Aptos community, please be careful as there is a scam email going around. Please do not interact with it. This has been reported to our scam team and it is being investigated. There is no Aptos air-drop going on so please beware of scams and scammers. Make sure to get all official information from the official Aptos channels. Mods and admins will never dm you and we will never ask you for your private keys or any other personal information such as this. Please be vigilant.
Thank you for being part of the Aptos community. Have a great day.
Thx for sharing . These scammers never get tired at all. This is especially a concern for new users entering web3 imho. Those like us being longer in the space are more aware of this problem and have set up proper opsec rules, e.g. not clicking anything in emails etc.
Thank you so much for keeping us in alert about this. Please let’s make sure not to always want to be first to interact without double checking from the official accounts of the project
While you look out for scam emails, keep your eyes peeled for scam NFTs. Do not click or interact with them.
Security is a collective effort, bad actors are everywhere. Stay SAFU
I’ve deleted 6 comments on this post because they were just copying and pasting what I wrote over and over again. This is spam. Please don’t post spam. Thank you.
Aptos community, please be careful as there is a scam email going around. Please do not interact with it. This has been reported to our scam team and it is being investigated…
I think increasing the character limit on both posts and articles is a great idea. There was alot of spam here over the last two months with many useless topics and comments.
Agree this, Sometimes really do not want to reply anything because of this obligation. At the same time, really tired to read those “gm” or “aptos to the moon” meaages in every topic. Still think, the new requirement is too hard to conform to… The balance shoud be.
Thank you for the information,we appreciate and commend your efforts in making the aptos community a place where people can be given insight about the ecosystem.nice work