Good day forum members:
Over the last couple of days I’ve noticed that there are a handful of users on this forum that have been posting spam comments, irrelevant topics (discussing the Aptos town or the Aptos retail company, both of which have nothing to do with the Aptos Layer 1 blockchain that this forum is about), short and simplistic topics, topics which are in effect “carrying on the discussion” from other topics or categories which don’t need another thread made for them and even copying and pasting the content of another online publication word for word without attributing the source. All of this is spam and irrelevant content. Some of you have had several posts rejected due to the low quality of them, and it would be hoped that this would have been an incentive for you to understand what should be posted and not posted.
Please carefully read the pinned post on the forum regarding the encouraging of high quality contributions on the Aptos forum.
I have also noticed some of you think that posting here is some sort of work which will be rewarded perhaps by an air-drop later. The posting in this forum is for posting about Aptos and everything related to this blockchain, for the sake of education and discussion. Posting here is not meant to qualify anyone for any air-drops, so please keep that in mind.
Going forward, please avoid posting comments or making topics about what I mentioned above, namely:
Avoid copying and pasting each other’s comments on a post. This is spam.
Avoid copying and posting topics that someone else has made. This is spam.
Avoid making topics that are irrelevant to Aptos, such as posting about the Aptos town in California and how amazing its beaches are, or posting about the Aptos retail company and how it is affecting business world wide. These don’t have anything to do with Aptos the Layer 1 blockchain. This is spam and irrelevant.
Avoid flagging posts from Ecosystem projects that shouldn’t be flagged. Some of you have done this by flagging posts from ecosystem projects here as inappropriate. We want to encourage ecosystem projects to come here and share about what they are working on and flagging these posts is counter productive to what the forum is trying to achieve.
Avoid copying and pasting articles from other publications online and passing them off as your own. This is often not allowed as per copyright of the article’s original author and so it is bad faith to pass it off as your own and then on top of that, post it with messy formatting and no sourcing.
If English is an issue and you have problems writing in it or reading it, please post in your own regional channel in your own native language. If you don’t understand English well and there are other regions depending on where you are from. (Regional - Aptos Forum)
We will continue to monitor the forum to make sure there is quality content being produced and that these guidelines are followed in order to ensure that the forum is filled with useful user content that results in useful discussions for the community.
Thank you for being part of the Aptos Community, please make sure you read and re-read this post to fully understand it. If you feel these guidelines are not for you, then please feel free to post elsewhere.