Be careful about SCAM in private messages!

One of the forum users wrote me a private scam message

The message is intended to reset my wallet to zero.

I’m showing this message because I think more people might have received a similar one.

Take care of yourselves.

Crypto is cool, but it also attracts a lot of bad people


Banned! Always beware :saluting_face:


I like crypto but the number of scammers it attracts is terrifying.

Thank you for the warning.


thanks for the warning!

We must always be careful in this market!

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Alert every time…:eyes:

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Thank you for the warning!

Thank you for caring about others! This is very important information!

There are certainly many scammers in this field, but the Aptos team is quick to identify and confront them.
This is a real strength on their part.:muscle:

Thank you for the advice!🩵

Mods and Admins will never message you first ! Always beware ! Thank you for being vigilant and for reporting.