When we click on a link, can the developer of this forum, please open a new tab instead of going to the site from the aptos post, I think it is more user friendly so we do not lose where we are on the aptos forum site.
When we click on a link, can the developer of this forum, please open a new tab instead of going to the site from the aptos post, I think it is more user friendly so we do not lose where we are on the aptos forum site.
Hey thank you for your suggestion sir. I’ll see what I can do
You can just click on the link with Your mouse wheel button and new tab will open
This is a very good observation and well put out lol
Just do it
This a good suggestion bro
Good suggestion mate
Yes, this would be cool
Thank you for sharing informations
yes! it is cool!
probably, this would be good for mobile browsers. What about desktop browsers, right mouse button can help:-)
I would appreciate this too!
User experience is very important so this would help.