Are any of the wallets an official wallet created by the aptos foundation? or recommended or financed by them?
I have a very unpleasant experience using one wallet on the Algorand network where I lost all my currencies due to a hole in the wallet. A lot of people lost their money then and the ALGO foundation didn’t see a problem with it and left us with nothing
I now have major concerns about using 3rd party products when I know that RECOVERY PHASE can be hijacked and is not always well encrypted
I remember that hole in Algofi’s wallet.
I lost my money too!
interesting fact algofi was funded by the algo foundation and was their recommended wallet for running the network. When it turned out that people were losing all their funds, the algo foundation said it didn’t care. This was the last day I used this network.
But back to your question, unfortunately I don’t think we have an official wallet from the Aptos foundation.
The good thing is that once you have an address on Aptos you can use any wallet by importing the private keys. However, when doing tasks like Galxe only Petra wallet can be connected.