Hey community, It is me Ol’Sailor again
I know we are on the upswing with the market, meme coins are lining up to launch & tokens from top DeFi projects are also in a head start to fuel our Aptos eco.
Take a few mins to dive into some tweets/articles this week, shall we?
1, Kana Labs’ recent introduction - Paymaster - if you wonder how this service works this article is super helpful
Paymaster offers a solution to solve the friction for new users, allowing dApp owners to cover the gas fees on behalf of the users.
2, A dedicated from @xaneth_ to share opinions about Thala Labs development & contribution to the growth of Aptos
3, Understanding #MoveProver - a nice from Joule Finance shed light on this concept
In essence, Move Prover boosts the reliability & security of smart contracts to mitigate risks + vulnerabilities in contract deployment.
Details of technique: https://twitter.com/JouleFinance/status/1770339140346749103
4, The 1 in a series to understanding Aptos Roll - the secure instant randomness API
The need for on-chain randomness arises in many apps, such as decentralized games, raffles, randomized NFTs, randomized airdrops, & more.
5, Maybe a bit too much techy stuff? - yes this week the article I guess many are looking for - $MKL Tokenomics and Roadmap of Merkle Trade is out!