What is AIP?

AIP stands for “Aptos Improvement Proposal.” In blockchain projects, this term refers to proposals made by developers and community members to improve the project. AIPs cover a wide range of topics, including blockchain infrastructure, protocol changes, performance optimizations, and the addition of new features. The goal is to make blockchain projects more efficient and user-friendly through the active participation of the community.

The AIP process typically follows these steps:

  1. Proposal Creation: A developer or community member drafts a detailed proposal with justifications.
  2. Community Discussion: The proposal is discussed by the community, feedback is gathered, and revisions are made if necessary.
  3. Voting: Once the proposal reaches a mature stage, it is put to a vote by the community or relevant bodies.
  4. Implementation: Accepted AIPs are integrated into the protocol by the development team.

AIPs are a crucial mechanism that ensures transparency and democratic decision-making in decentralized structures.

Overview of Aptos AIPs

Aptos is a platform that stands out in the blockchain technology space with its innovative approaches. The Aptos development community actively utilizes AIPs to enhance network efficiency and user experience.

Some prominent types of AIPs in the Aptos ecosystem are:

  1. Protocol Updates: Proposed changes to make the chain faster and more secure.
  2. New Features: Adding new dApp integrations or smart contract functionalities to improve user experience.
  3. Performance Optimizations: Proposals to make the network operate more efficiently.
  4. Community Governance Models: Suggestions to improve governance processes in line with Aptos’ decentralization principles.

How to submit an AIP

  1. Fork this repo into your own GitHub
  2. Copy TEMPLATE.md into your new AIP file in aips/<your-feature-name-NO-AIP-#-here>.md (Source)
  • Name your AIP file based on your feature, not the AIP number, which will be picked for your later.
  • e.g., new-zero-knowledge-range-proof-verifiers.md is a good name.
  • …but aip-14.md or 14.md is NOT a good name.
  1. Edit your AIP file
  • Fill in the YAML header (see instructions there)
  • Follow the template guidelines to the best of your ability
  1. Commit these changes to your repo
  2. Submit a pull request on GitHub to this repo.
  3. To start discussing your AIP, create a GH Issue for your AIP using the default Issue template

Why Are AIPs Important?

AIPs play a critical role in the development of the Aptos platform and in providing a high-quality blockchain experience. They are important for the following reasons:

  • Community Participation: Community involvement is essential for decentralized projects. AIPs are a structured way to encourage this involvement.
  • Innovation and Optimization: They help make the blockchain infrastructure faster, more secure, and cost-effective.
  • Democratic Governance: Decisions are made transparently, with community participation, fostering a democratic development process.
  • Adaptation and Growth: They offer an opportunity to quickly adapt to changing market and technological conditions.

I didnt hear about AIP :grimacing: