Trying to make a Balkans Regional channel, anyone interested?

Hi guys,

I tried opening a new Regional channel for the Balkan region a few days ago but couldn’t do it (it’s being reviewed but without an answer for now).

Let’s try and see how many of us are from the Balkans, please comment below this post :wave:

I’m sure we could get our own channel if there are many of us here. I noticed there are a lot of people from the Balkans region in Crypto, but we rarely get our channel so why not try :slight_smile:

If would be easier to discuss topics and do IRL meetups if we had our own channel. :people_hugging: :beers:


Create a suggestion and kindly wait for approval by admins
Im not from Balkans but i support you with this idea


I’m interested :slight_smile:


hope Admins support you in doing this! i am not in Balkans but in support of any regional sub forums :slight_smile:


yes am interested

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I am hoping more people reply to this thread, maybe we can push the Regional channel into realization.