Introducing Aptos Foundation’s First-ever Global Online Hackathon

Code Collision: Where innovators converge to spark something entirely new

Introducing Aptos Foundation’s first-ever global online hackathon. It’s your chance to spark groundbreaking solutions and registrations are now open:

Get ready to:
:sparkles: Challenge yourself with 5 in-depth tracks: DeFi, NFTs, AI, Social and more!
:sparkles: Test your skills and crush special challenges with 3 level-up bounties
:sparkles: Compete for a chance to win your part of the $500K prize pool
:sparkles: Connect, collaborate, and create with fellow innovators at dozens of optional IRL & Online Events

The hackathon runs from August 1 - September 30. React with a :globe_with_meridians: if you’re up to the challenge.

Learn more and register at Code Collision: Where innovators converge to spark something entirely new | Aptos

Registrations accepted between July 2 and September 30; Hack begins on August 1 and ends on September 30. 18+ only. Sponsored by the Aptos Foundation. Complete rules at: Code Collision Official Rules | Aptos.


man oh man this looks cool. Exciting times up ahead for the users and wanna be devs like myself on APT. Is there a Dapp-a-thon brainstorm as well? I’m down for a major quest here!


Amazing and cool thank you for informations sir thank you very much


looking exciting, lets keep this up with high quality contributors!