Hongbao Today Courtesy of Aptos Team members!

LNY 5.1

So far today, the Aptos team accounts which have given Hongbao :red_gift_envelope: include :

Aptos CEO @AveryChing

@briannwongg in Devrel at Aptos Labs

@aptAlix in Ecosystem Management at Aptos Labs

@bowen_aptos in Engineering at Aptos Labs

@alex_aptos, Aptos Collective Manager

@SashaSpiegelman, Head of Research at Aptos Labs

Make sure to read more about the features behind the Hongbao with Aptos Connect !
Feel free to comment and clap on the Medium article as well if you have a Medium account !

Stay tuned ! Happy Lunar New Year !


Got a few prizes too​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: