Automate Your APT Staking with DefAI Agent Pt.2

Tired of manually staking your APT? Meet DefAI Agent Pt.2, the ultimate solution for automated APT staking in collaboration with metamove & Amnis Finance!

:small_blue_diamond: Key Features:
:white_check_mark: Schedule your stakes – e.g., stake 0.01 APT every 2 minutes :hourglass_flowing_sand:
:white_check_mark: Create multiple staking schedules
:white_check_mark: Set custom time intervals & amounts
:white_check_mark: Built-in retry mechanism

With DefAI Agent, you can build your own autonomous DeFi strategy and let automation do the work for you! :bulb::moneybag:

Are you ready to optimize your staking? Check this video! :point_down:


what can we do with ai agent beside these?