Aptos Weekly Report [Sep 23 - 29] 🧵

Aptos had another incredible week of growth and adoption.

Let’s dive into the key metrics and stories behind the numbers:

:globe_with_meridians:New Users: Aptos welcomed 647K+ new users last week! :tada: Top projects leading the charge:

:1st_place_medal:Chingari_IN: 47K

:2nd_place_medal:LayerZero_Core: 7K

:3rd_place_medal:Pontem: 3.8K

90% of new users were onboarded by these projects :clap:

:globe_with_meridians: Transactions: 22.1M txs were processed, a massive 54% increase from the previous week! :fire:

The network handled this surge with ease, showing impressive scalability.

:bar_chart: The busiest day was Sep 25 with 3.58M+ txs.

:busts_in_silhouette: Active Users: Weekly Active Users reached 1.51M users, reflecting a steady 1.1% increase in engagement.

This shows a growing and loyal community.:people_hugging:

:scroll: Development Activity: A vibrant dev scene with 316 active contracts and 34 newly deployed smart contracts :rocket:.

Innovation continues to thrive on Aptos.

:art: NFT Market: NFTs on Aptos also saw strong activity:

:small_blue_diamond: 2.7K unique NFTs traded

:small_blue_diamond:2.23K sales

:small_blue_diamond:Total volume of 3.5K $APT ($27.9K) :moneybag:

NFT activity is maintaining steady momentum.

:bridge_at_night: Bridging Activity: Cross-chain is booming with 4K transactions across bridges. :small_blue_diamond:Total inflows: $15.82M :dollar: :small_blue_diamond:Net flow: $10.3M (Aptos gaining more than it’s losing!) :globe_with_meridians:

:moneybag: $APT Token Movement: The token economy is healthy with 1.4K $APT deposited into CEXs, signaling strong holder confidence and likely staking interest :chart_with_upwards_trend:.

These numbers highlight Aptos’ rapid adoption across transactions, users, and development.

Exciting times ahead! :rocket:

Explore more details on the full dashboard here: :link::point_down:


This is a great report.


Best review ever! Very interesting to look at the stats! :slightly_smiling_face: