Aptos TVL & StableCoin

Aptos is positioning itself better in terms of TVL and stablecoin amounts.

Specifically, even though the $APT price is 60% below its ATH, the fact that the TVL has surpassed its previous record and the stablecoin amount is increasing steadily and organically is quite positive for the network’s security and liquidity in the future.

I believe that in the future, with the introduction of USDt, sBTC, and the arrival of giants like Aave, which holds the most liquidity in DeFi, the Aptos network will reach much higher levels in terms of liquidity.

Aptos TVL & Stablecoin miktarında daha iyi konumlara geliyor.

*Özellikle TVL miktarı $APT fiyatının ATH rakamından %60 aşağıdayken TVL eski rekor seviyesini geçmesi ve Stable miktarının düzenli ve doğal şekilde artması ileriki zamanlarda ağın güvenliği ve likitidesi için oldukça pozitif. *

İleride USDt, sBTC ve bununla beraber Aave gibi DeFi’nin en çok likitidesine sahip devin gelmesi ile likitide olarak Aptos ağını çok daha yüksek seviyelere ulaşacağımızı düşünüyorum.


Aave on Aptos would be big…


sui has the mindshare for now after they reached 1B TVL, but aptos will more than catch up and lap them with these big defi moves with stacks, aptos, tether and more stablecoins :slight_smile:


Yes SUI is nice but aptos is nicer ! :wink: