@Aptos Staking on Fire: A Massive Surge in 2025

:rocket: @Aptos Staking on Fire: A Massive Surge in 2025! :fire:

Staking on Aptos (in AmnisFinance platform) saw minimal growth in the last three months of 2024, increasing by just 1.5M APT—rising from 25.4M APT in October to 27M APT by December. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

But 2025 is telling a whole different story! :zap:
In just less than two months, the staking volume has skyrocketed by +7.7M APT (+28%), pushing the total staked amount from 27M APT in early January to a massive 34.7M APT today! :chart_with_upwards_trend::fire:

:bulb: This rapid surge signals growing confidence and liquidity flowing into the Aptos ecosystem.
Hey Aptos, Are we witnessing the beginning of a new staking boom? :rocket::crystal_ball:


Is there a number of users who have staked APT?